Abuse / Alerts / Appeals 


Human rights violations against Muslims is recorded in every corner of the Globe, most are done by the opposition and their implants. The news of violations only seem to reach the outside, when mass episodes of death are recorded, the silent killer is "oppression" ( "oppression is worse than slaughter", a verse from the noble Qur'an) is always not really noted but certainly exists where Muslims are concerned.  

Visit the under mentioned sites for info:- 
Human Rights Abuses against Muslims  
Islamic Human rights Commission  
Human Rights  
Amnesty middle east  
Against Afghans   Against Algerians  
Against Algerians  
Against Bosnian 
In Bosnia   
In Cyprus  
In China Against Egyptians   In Europe  In France 
In India  Against Iraqis   Against Khasmiris   In Kosovo  
In Kosovo  
In Kosovo  
War in Lebanon  
In Lebanon
In  Nigeria  In Palestine  
Against  Palestinians
Against Saudis  
In Turkey 
Mazlumder Turkey 
In Uzbekistan  In USA 
War Crimes by  USA 
Gulf War Facts 

Effects on Iraq  
Iraq Babies 
Faces of Rape  
Save the Homes of Palestinians 
Media abuse of Muslim women 
Can you stomach the best of  Mr. Rush die  

 This shoe is made  and marketed by Nike.    There were reports that,   items like footballs with Allah's name written on them have been produced by Nike & other manufacturer's too. 


Although Muslims have been screaming to tell their stories, there seems to be a certain invisible media screen, that blocks out  the information or dilute it and misinform the world. Even though the internet has great possibilities you might be surprised to learn that the invisible media screen is very much active on the internet as well. Any web site with very revealing content, will most certainly have" no DNS " or " page not found" or "some kind of error " appearing when you try to load them.  

Jamiat Action Alert  
CDLR against Saudi Regime  
Movement for Islamic Reform in Saudi Arabia 
Bahrain Freedom Movement 
50th Anniversary of Israel?  
Free Arabic Voice  
The Plight of our brothers in the Holy Lands  
Holocaust ?  
Holocaust Deception  
Iraq Action  
Iraq Sanctions Challenge Home page  
Kosova Crisis Centre  
Kosovo Info  
Radio 21- Kosovo  
Another Bosnia?  
Current Affairs of Muslims  
Khasmiri Canadian Council  
Jammu Khasmir Students Liberation Front  
Washington Post Article on Islam  
Qur'an - printing error?  
A Fool's attempt at emulating Scripture (Qur'an)
Confessions of a British Spy  
UK - The Rise of Islamophobia 
Missionary Tactics 
A New mahdi on the lose?


Anyone who has some kind of appeal to be posted here, kindly email us, after you have placed your appeal on an URL, if you do not have a web page , get one there are 100's of free web pages available on the net. 

Please Help to Build Mosque  
Petition & Action  
Urgent Appeal  
Jerusalem Mufti Appeals to all Muslims  
Rape Alert from London  
Madrasa in Chicago needs urgent help-facing eviction  

We welcome all suggestions and comments, you can use the Message Board or Email to convey your information and requests. Islamic Directory Message Board  
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         This site created by the Grace of Allah on 21st June 1998